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Artist Statement

This is a 5 paged hand drawn comic book that talks about the stress of college throughout the past two years. It talks about finding a future career. I drew this in a semi monochrome astatic to give the comic a sort of  abstract realism theme. The story goes through a formula with each page starting with a new semester. The main character has no face, color, or gender to not only relate with the audience, but to also show that they don't have a clear goal for their future. This leans more towards creativity in crisis.

i made this comic because I was through out my years at Dawson, i was going through a bit of stress because of the huge amount of assignments and the hard working conditions during covid. I also at the time didn't know what I was going to do after college. I didn't want to make this comic just about me however because I figured a lot of other students have gone through this crisis during these years and are still going through one. I feel like my other classmates did a better job at tackling this topic in a creative light but i hop this story is at least creative enough to make you think. 

2021 Grant-Gabriel

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